The whole country is sweltering in the heatwave, broken slightly by monsoon rains,
together with amazing thunder storms and dramatic lightening flashing across
the sky. In our little corner of England we managed to escape most of the
storms, although the rain was much welcomed on our parched garden.
The gazebo made an appearance again, just in case. Not needed after all,
just a few little showers to cool the air. Hot and humid, perfect indigo weather.
Cloth prepared - stitched, tied, bound and clamped. Soy wax resist. Ready to go.
A few pix captured during a very productive day - and what blues?!!!
pole wrap with raffia - love the green
old lace
soy wax resist - stars from the ceiling of an Egyptian tomb?
soy wax 'scribbles'
manipulated pole wrap
these are but a few of the most wonderful pieces produced on the day
and it was such fun dipping, dyeing and enjoying heat of the day, admiring
the amazing blue cloth on the washing line - big smiles all round.
Next Saturday it's a Procion dyeing day. Same effects, but in colour!
Looks like the heatwave will linger longer, which means the dye should
produce really strong colours, that's not to say you can't do pale!
There are a couple of places left. If you are interested, contact me.