Two weeks since my return to the UK. Clear blue skies a bonus, as were the signs of spring in the garden - remains of snowdrops, loads of primroses, violets, early iris, and not forgetting my white jasmine which has gone slightly mad, or confused since it has been flowering for a complete year!
The garden looks sadly neglected. Still remains of autumn leaves to clear. I did take advantage of the nice weather to coppice the hazel at the bottom of the garden and clear the frog pond of decaying leaves. This task was well timed - the next day a large lump of frog spawn appeared.
Apart from domestic duties it was great to meet up with my friends and catch up with all the news.
First meeting was with Infinity - we are a 'contemporary' quilters' group. One of the projects on the go is a small group quilt for the Button Up Quilt, to be completed by the end of April.
Before I left, Jean and I dyed a mixed selection of fabrics for the group. We all have a 3" x 27" strip to stitch. Five have already been completed, we need nine in all, I think. So back to the drawing
board to come up with a design. Out of the hat these elements were chosen - India, triangles, and folded fabric. (That was lucky!). This is how far I am at the moment!
I also belong to the Contemporary Quilters' Group, which is part of the Quilter's Guild. I have signed up to the Journal Quilt Project 2008. One quilt per month 12" x 12". Good idea at the time, but, of course, having been out of the country, I was already 6 weeks behind.
With a series of workshops coming up, craft fairs and Dorset Arts Week, the only way to tackle this situation is to throw myself straight into to it - so in reverse order ....................

Sample, fabrics and threads for February Journal Quilt.
It looks a bit bright - flash photography!

January Journal Quilt - done and dusted, and up on CQG website.
Based on clay decorations in traditional Kutch Bhungo's (houses).
Machine trapunto, Italian cording and machine stitching.
The interesting thing is that I love colour - question, how come
this quilt it white? Perhaps a rest from the colours of Indian
or inspiration drawn from the ice outside my window?
Normality will resume shortly!