A varied week. Sunday to visit my sister Lesley and family in Berkshire, to celebrate my niece Lottie's big adventure. She is off to Sheffield University this weekend.
Sent off four Journal Quilts to Creative Stitching(?!) Exhibition in Exeter and another four to Harrogate Fashion and Embroidery Show
On Monday I took a workshop on Indian Stitch techniques with the lovely ladies of Tavistock Embroidery Guild. I enjoyed myself, and I think they did too!
Meanwhile, back home lots to get on with, including setting up an indigo vat. Everything ready to go, but the weather. What a summer it has been. I was hoping to set up a dustbin vat, invite friends around for an Indigo Day, but that wasn't to be. Watching the weather forecast, Wednesday seemed to be the day, but not so. Cold wind. Today a bit iffy. Instead I typed up the itinerary for our trip to India, only five weeks to go! So, hello to you all in Delhi and Udaipur we'll be visiting the first week of November.
Around 4.00pm the sun came out, the temperature rose. Grabbed the opportunity, and managed to dye the bits I had before the sun disappeared. I can now see a line of blue fabric from my window.

Ready to go

Still oxydizing

On the change - one silk and one rayon piece, pleated on the smocking machine, plus what looks like blue sausages!

First dip, going blue - two more dips to go.
I'll leave them on the line tonight, let them dry then wash. I'll undo my little bundles and post the results soon.
Tomorrow, a day with my friends at Walford Mill. Stitch, cake, coffee, chat. Lovely.