Last week could be summed up with beginnings and endings. On Saturday the marriage of my niece Harriet to Ian. A wonderful day; the sun shone, the bride was beautiful and the groom handsome. A grand family gathering from all corners of the globe.
The Festival of Quilts a must for Sunday. Such a long day, but worth it. So many amazing quilts, tempting offers from traders, and meeting up with 'far away' friends. Lingered over Dorothy Caldwell's exhibits, drooled at SAQA stand, etc. etc. etc. So much to see, so little time.
On Monday the funeral of a dear friend and fellow quilter - Edyth Henry, one of the founder member's of the Quilters' Guild, We were fellow students on the very first City & Guilds Patchwork and Quilting Course, way back in 1990! Was it really that long ago?!!!
The last of the tie dye workshops at the Craft Ark. Always a bit sad, since it means the end of summer - which, it has to be said, really hasn't arrived yet.

To cheer things up a bit, some colourful Indian lanterns from Orissa
Bank holiday weekend with indifferent weather - a visit to Monkey World proved a diversion, although most of the monkeys seemed to be happier in than out. I have made a start at shuffling paperwork, with more diversions in the way of colouring fabric with Markal sticks, laminating photos, a little bit of dyeing and general procrastination.
Lists of 'things that must be done' stuck on the wall. Action week to follow. I need sun and blue skies. Thank goodness the Indian trip is getting closer!