The Grand Old Duke of York he had 10,000 men
He marched them up to the top of the hill and
He marched them down again.
When they were up they were up, and when they
were down they were down, but when they were
half way up, they were neither up or down.....
or so the nursery rhyme goes.

York Castle - possibly not the hill involved.
A long journey from Dorset, over five hours. We visited
the Quilt Museum with the new exhibition of turkey red
(madder) quilts. Old and gorgeous. The 19th century
wadded and quilted petticoats could have been the
choice of clothing for the day. Cold, grey skies with
a hint of rain. Not ideal conditions for taking photographs,
although opportunities were there whilst wandering through
the fabulous jumble of houses and shops, ranging in
age from 13th century to the present day. Too busy popping
into retail establishments for a browse and a little warm up.
Guess I will have to return. Certainly worth another visit.
A night in students rooms at the University - comfortable
but somewhat spartan (perhaps I do not need to do that
degree, and I should hasten to add no students involved,
they are still on vacation), on to The Great Northern
Quilt Show. At the exposed show ground it could have been
November. All desperate for breakfast, and really pleased
when the doors opened at 10.00 am. Food!
The Great in the title could have been changed to Small,
however, plenty of quilts to admire, retail opportunities
and friends to meet up with. Then the long drive home.
A quiet slow cloth day today I think. Cosy.