It's official. The Met Office admits to being over optimistic.
Still grey skies and monsoon rain, with the occasional
tantalizing peek of sunshine.
Summer workshops for children have started at
Walford Mill. I am taking four dyeing sessions - the first
one last week using indigo. The rain held off thank
goodness. The children loved it - good old magic
indigo. Today it's Procion dyes on t-shirts. I have two
brothers who are moving up to pole wrapping and
stitched resist today. They are serious dyers!
I was invited to teach Chichester Quilters. Yesterday
dawned dull and grey for the workshop. Early start to
drive to Chichester, and the skies lightened, The
day became more colourful as the delightful students
got stuck into the dye pots. Samples of stitched
resists, binding and pole wrapping. After lunch a
demo on folded techniques.
Towards the end of the day some samples were revealed.
Gorgeous, I managed to lose, then find, my camera to
take a few shots. I wish I had taken more.

A small sample of techniques

Then there was the large sample.
This is going to be a fab scarve.

The swirl proved popular - fast, quick and no stitching.
This piece was folded into quarters - what a result.

Begone grey skies. Silk folded in half and 'swirled'.
Plus a beautiful little piece of pole wrapping.
(the white bits are stones holding the cloth down)
like the dots that the stones add. not a barbecue summer her either. maybe just a picnic summer for mosquitoes.
It's also play time for cabbage white butterflies on my pots of salad leaves, I shoo'd them away - did they listen, will they return?
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