From BBC Radio 4 to the Sunday Observer Magazine, articles
are appearing on ways to save money and save the planet etc.
How to hem, darn, sew ona button. Knit, crochet, patchwork.
I think I have heard this all before.
But, hey, it's good. Now we can all feel justified with the little
hordes of saved string, brown paper and 'things' that might
come in useful.
Mending - I have a small Pfaff sewing machine, basic but
light enough to take to workshops. I left it at The Mill in a
cupboard for several weeks, only to find when next required
the bobbin race had rusted. Enter John the Sewing Machine
man. Brilliant, got the wire brush out, reburnished the casing
and it is as good a new.
Making do - instructions to use the machine to get it really
going again. Just the thing, one of the Journal Quilts on my list.
This one is for the group Infinity. Subject - Glass.
Raided my inherited button boxes for glass buttons, the scrap
bag for fabric. Glass beads and shisha. Tick.