Just a few more!

Driving through the back streets of town, you quite often come
across single stalls, in this case, vegetables. The owner was
very keen to have his photo taken - so I did.

Keep your eyes open at all times. Keith spied a printer
still using wood and metal blocks with an old fashioned printer.
His workplace was chaotic with boxes of blocks everywhere.
The wooden ones are so dusty, I think they really
needed a new home. The metal ones consist of some
very interesting motifs.

A rather fine block print of an elephant,
see below how the different colours are achieved.

The beautiful Jaipur blue pottery. Made from a porceline
type paste, softer than the original Chinese version.
I think the designs owe much to the Persian/Mugal influence.

Four block for four colourways. If you get to
visit a block printing factory you will be
encouraged to have a go!
That's it from India for now. I expect the odd image might appear at a later date - I do have a parcel on the way. I shall phonograph the parcel when it arrives, a masterpiece in itself. Not just paper and string, but specially stitched in calico and sealed with red sealing wax.
In the meantime, back to the drawing board so to speak, things to design, workshops to organise - gosh it's good to be back!