Friday 8 February 2008


One of the main attractions of the town are the beautiful paintings in the Palace, quite unlike the usual miniature paintings of Rajahastan. These are beautiful, painted in turquoise and azure. Mainly depicting Khrisna and his gophis (milkmaids) or life as lived in the palace.

Rudyard Kipling, apparently, wrote a few words of Kim here in 1888. He described the palace as being built by goblins.

Part of the courtyard - you can see the paintings covering every surface
Lady of the court with bird
Lady of court having a little drink - apparently they did take to drink,
being extremely bored in the zenanna.
This picture was extremely beautiful, and quite light in colour,
trying to capture the feel of moonlight.

A typical decorated doorway

The ceiling painted in the Chinese style - very opulent

More on Bundie next time. I have now handed out keys to a room. Time to vacate the desk! Off on the road tomorrow to Ranthambore tiger spotting.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Good to see more images, Tig. Love the paintings on the walls and the carvings. Watched a programme on TV on gardens in India last night (Monty Don is doing 'Round the World in 80 Gardens') and thought of you and Keith. He went to Jaipur amongst others. Hilary